
Labor Department Proposes New Salary for Overtime Exemptions

The U.S. Department of Labor has issued a notice of a proposed rule increasing the salary threshold for the white-collar exemptions from the overtime requirement of the Fair Labor Standards Act from the current minimum of $23,660 to $35,308 a year, a significant increase but less than the $47,476 proposed by the Obama Administration in 2016. The current salary minimum has been in effect since 2004, and the Obama Administration rule increasing it to $47,476 was barred by a federal…

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Supreme Court Punts Pay Equity Case, But Issue of Use of Prior Salary Remains Open

The United States Supreme Court recently sent back an important case on pay equity, Rizo v. Yovino, to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit because the judge who wrote the court’s opinion and supplied the deciding vote died before the ruling was announced. The Supreme Court explained that federal judges “serve for life, not for eternity,” and sent the case back to the Ninth Circuit. The issue in Rizo v. Yovino, whether an employer that has been…

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